PBKB Level 2 – Instructor Coaching Programme (ICP)
Want to help empower women & teach them some awesome skills?
This is a unique opportunity to run the Official Pink Belt Kickboxing Official Empowerment Programme for your clients, students, friends.
The Pink Belt Kickboxing Programmes offer a unique opportunity for Women of all ages, shapes, sizes and any fitness levels to enrol on a kick ass journey into the world of Fitness and Martial Arts.
Our Empowerment Programs is where it all started. This is where your clients can EARN THEIR PINK BELT.
This Level 2, Coaching Course is the starting point in our Empowerment Programme in terms of delivering it. This will certify you, the fitness instructor, personal trainer or martial artist to deliver the Official Pink Belt Kickboxing Empowerment Programme to women & girls (Secirity checks will be completed if you intend to teach under 16.
This is the Version 2.0 of our course and we’ve jammed so much goodness in to it you’ll be astonished at how much you get for this price!
This is a 12 week intensive, 121 programme that can take a complete beginner to an exclusive ‘Pink Belt’ kickboxer.
It had been developed over 4 Phases. Each Phase consists of 3 live training sessions. Totalling 12 sessions (typically 12 weeks). Each session has online material supporting the techniques that you learn. Each session, within the online material, you will find a ‘Home Training’ Session. This can be downloaded as a PDF for you to print and practice at home. There’s a different session every time. There is also a nutrition plan to unlock after phase 1.
Phase 1
Kickboxing Basics
Phase 2
Phase 3
Advanced Training techniques
Phase 4
Becoming a complete kick boxer
This whole concept was developed by Marc Edwards and Miranda Nolan. Both are registered Black Belts, Licensed Instructors & Coaches with one of the world’s largest Kickboxing Organisations, and they are both Personal Trainers in the UK.
The Programme’s structure is based upon a nationally recognised Kickboxing Syllabus with Universal Martial Arts Training. Our Pink Belt represents their pathway to Intermediate Syllabus.
Please note, there isn’t a Pink Belt in UMAT or any other Martial Arts’ Syllabus ranking system as it is unique & exclusive to this programme alone (which is really cool as only people enrolled with us will earn one).
Once Enrolled, the student/client will read through the initial lesson plan and arrange their first live training session with a PinkBelt Level 2 Coach
They will have live, private training sessions every week (typically) & these are the sessions that really count. They last approximately 60 mins and are quite intense. Within these sessions they will practice what you’ve already taught, learn new skills and fire up their metabolism so much they’ll be burning fat for hours afterwards.
The online aspect is a support for your live training. There are educational videos for the techniques and training videos to assist your fitness and flexibility as you progress.
The Level 2 Instructor Coaching Programme (ICP)
What the ‘Coach’ gets is a fully loaded online platform with manuals for each module, videos and presentations to follow and make notes from, a full live teaching day followed closely by an assessment day.
There is a full manual with images, teaching cues, pad work set up, basic drills, advanced drills and framework to create their own combinations.
There are technical teaching videos for each technique offer in Phase 1&2.
There is also a technique Workbook that must be brought to the live workshop to populate over the duration of the learning with a tutor.
They will also receive access to the first 6 weeks of the empowerment programme to offer someone for free as part of their case study.
They will gain access to a fully loaded Coaching Portal with engagement/marketing tools, additional bonus material and trade price equipment for their business to move forward.
Course Overview:
The Aim of PBKB L2-ICP is to develop an understanding of the various practical exercises, movements & sessions that are used in the Official PinkBelt Kickboxing Empowerment Programme.
Objectives : By the end of the course attendees should be able to:
- Understand the complete process of the Official Pink Belt Kickboxing Programme.
- Demonstrate competent techniques for the kicks, punches, defence drills & conditioning drills used in the Official Programme
- Safely and effectively use the pads for each of the strikes and drills used in the official programme.
- Understand the method of introducing Sparring and Contact to an individual
- Demonstrate competent ability to teach and train individual clients of a basic ability and fitness level using the Official Pink Belt Kickboxing Official Programme.
- Understand how the Pink Belt Nutrition Plan integrates to the Full Official Programme.
Overview of the live coaching and assessment day(s):
- Registration & Introduction to the Instructor Coaching Programme
- Introduction to the Official PBKB Empowerment Programme – Understanding the 4 Phases
- Advanced Training Techniques: The PBKB Circuits
- PBKB Phase 1 Additional Strike
- PBKB Phase 2 Defence Techniques
- Signing Students up via the Official Website – Understanding Sessions, Plans & Codes
- Sparring, an introduction to.
- Sparring Drills
- Home Conditioning Sessions 1 & 8
- PBKB Nutrition Plan & Guidelines
- Movement Mechanics Workshop II
- PBKB Coaching Model & Combination Workshop
- Assessment Prep
- Assessments