The Official EMPOWERMENT Programme
This is where you get
“What ever your age or body type, weather you’re a gym junkie or have never trained before, this programme is for you”
This is a 12 week intensive, 121 programme that can take a complete beginner to an exclusive ‘Pink Belt’ kickboxer.
Once Enrolled, you will read through the initial lesson plan and arrange your first live training session with your PinkBelt Level 2 Coach
You will have live, private training sessions every week (typically) & these are the sessions that really count. They last approximately 60 mins and are quite intense. Within these sessions you will practice what you’ve already learned, learn new skills and fire up your metabolism so much you’ll be burning fat for hours afterwards.
The online aspect is a support for your live training. There are educational videos for the techniques and training videos to assist your fitness and flexibility as you progress.
12 Weeks
4 Phases
36 Training Sessions
Developed over 4 Phases. Each Phase consists of 3 live, privately coached training sessions. Totalling 12 sessions
(typically 12 weeks).
Each session has online material supporting the techniques that you learn. Each session, within the online material, you will find a ‘Home Training’ Session to follow twice per week.
There’s a different home training session every week.
Phase 1: Kickboxing Basics
Phase 1 is fundamentals. We teach the stance(s), foot work, movement, basic punches & Kicks involved in the offensive components of stand up striking martial arts.
Phase 2: Kickboxing Defence
Phase two moves into defending all of the strikes that phase one taught. Specific blocking or avoidance methods against a Jab Punch, Snap kick etc etc. All whilst repeating and improving on everything from phase 1.
Phase 3: Advanced Training Techniques
ATT includes the development of flexibility, finding the threshold of/and increasing the boundaries of your fitness. Fitness is a large part of kickboxing and where this is NOT a fitness programme perse, we do look at this as a component. Specifics include our ModTab Training Protocol, PBKB Circuits (you’ll love them – ish) and shadow sparring.
Phase 4: Becoming a Kickboxer
This is aproaching the peak. This is where the previous sessions and skills learned will start to make complete sense. We gel everything together and you’ll find it to be more and more natural rather than thought driven. This phase is where we introduce sparring in it’s entirety. Sparring is contact. You will learn to hit the coach and defend against their strikes. Completely controlled and actually quite fun.
Completion, Graduation & Next Steps
Session 12 is a long one. It’s a showcase of the previous lesson’s learning. Upon successful completion of this, you will be presented with a certificate and more importantly, your Pink Belt. It’s an acheivement, it’s earned, not given. Along with the certificate comes a registration number as a licensed kickboxer.
What happens next. If you’d like to continue developing your kickboxing skills, we can integrate you into a mainstream kickboxing club/dojo in your local area. There are even opportunities for you to retrain with us as a coach to help empower more women and girls.
The Programme’s structure is based upon a nationally recognised Kickboxing Syllabus with U.M.A.T (affiliated to WAKO). Our Pink Belt represents their pathway to Intermediate Syllabus.
Please note, there isn’t a Pink Belt in any other Kickboxing Syllabus ranking system as it is unique & exclusive to this programme alone (which is really cool as only people enrolled with us will earn one).
You will have live, private training sessions every week (typically) & these are the sessions that really count.
They last approximately 60 mins and are quite intense. Within these sessions you will practice what you’ve already learned, learn new skills and fire up your metabolism so much you’ll be burning fat for hours afterwards.
The online aspect is a support for your live training. There are educational videos for the techniques and training videos to assist your fitness and flexibility as you progress.
“When Marc suggested I might benefit from the programme, I thought he was joking.
After the first session I knew I was hooked. I came away feeling invigorated, confident with a belief in myself……I could do this…. the course was for any age.
Marc and Miranda were patient showing me over and over again when I got my left and right mixed up. They were great tutors!”
It’s the absolute highlight of my week, I look forward to it all week long. I feel mega empowered to be learning something new with my middle aged mum bod and leave each class sweaty, feeling full of energy and alive!
I was nervous at first to start something new and getting my foot in the door was a big step but the class now sets up my weekend making me feel motivated, empowered and ready to take on anything!
“All I can say is, it’s the best thing I’ve ever done…
It’s not only about my fitness levels increasing but the confidence it gave me made a huge difference in my day to day life.I literally felt like I could take on the world!!! (No fighting involved though!!)
My coach had so much patience and always made me push myself as she knew I could do it, hence me then going on to obtaining my purple belt and competing in a real kickboxing tournament to take 2nd place!!”

Entry level qualification that will enable delivery of the official GRX Programme.

The Empowerment Coach.
Higher Skill Qualification enabling the coach to deliver the Empowerment Programme and the GRX Programme.

Highest Tier Qualification enabling the coach to deliver the GRX Programme, the Empowerment Programme and the Self Defence Programme.

This specialist qualification is a complimentary certification to deliver the Pink Belt Kickboxing YogaFlow Programme. It’s in addition to the L1,L2,L3 Course OR as a stand alone qualification.

The original, unique, 12 week immersive programme where you can EARN your belt!

A fitness friendly, non contact version of the empowerment programme

Learn to spot potential threats, understand the law & utilise physicality if necessary

Designed to develop kickboxing specific muscles with mind & body synchronicity